dimanche 26 août 2007

Inbound Meeting

Well hello! Today was my inbound meeting (that is what every exchange student from an other country in taiwan aer called) and it was great!! Very early but awesome! We are so many from around the world, more than 40 i would say..7 from Canada and 2 of them are french so i got to practise my french so i wont loose it.. thank god haha everyone is so nice.. we got to introduce ourselves and ive made alot of new friends (alot frmo france! haha) ive found out that theer are 2 other girls that are gonig to my highschool which is pretty awesome! and there supper nice also! So im really excited to start to go to aschool... also, i start my mandarin classes next monday, and thursday.. fom 2pm to 5pm (so i get to ditch shcool for some more school! whoo what a rebel! hah)
Im ognig shopping tuesday and wednesday! so i will write about all the money i spent on gift to you...i mean to myself haha .. after!

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