mercredi 5 septembre 2007

Been a while!

Hey, well im writing this for the days that went by.. i have no time anymroe to write here cause im so busy with school that lasts forever, and studyin chinese.. and im so tired when i get home, that i go straight to bed sometimes haha.. im having a really big blast, so fun here, and my host dad bought me some childern book to learn hwo to write chinese characters! so im pretty pumped! haha im starting the martial arts friday and im sooooo excited! I went to a museum yesterday, so beeautiful but i wasnt able to take pics inside.. but funny story is that i didnt know that so i was taking a pic of the staircase cause there beauitful and a security guard like ran after me and was like no! NO [pictures, so i put my camera away, but i had already taken the picture! wooo! so i can sell this on Ebay!! yay!! haha ... but school is so amazing, everyone says hi to me alllll the time and im just like oh hi! , and i dont know who they are but there really great! everyone is soooo nice! I didnt get my uniform yet so thats an other reason why people stare at me, hahah , but im getting it soon!!! okayu so i got my books today, algonquin has a bout 4-6 books a semester right? maybe one opr two per class,.... guess how many books here for one year... not,1 not 2...but 40! yes i typed right 40!.. they dont even fit in my desks (cause the teachers change classes adn not us) like i was so mad haha and i cant read caus there in chinese hahah ,, sooo fun! haha how did your first day go?? miss me yet? haha well you can read this blog when your at computer room writing a IRP and you dont want to work! haha
BYE! Love,

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