jeudi 22 novembre 2007


Hello everyone!
So yea, I kinda totally forgot to write in the past like 20 days, so sorry for that, but theres nothing much to write about, only that Im pretty much living a normal life now, im not a tourist anymore, im actually really getting to become more adn more taiwanese! So i wrote my big Chinsee exam and I did pretty good for not learning chinese before comming here.. even though i did try, but i got placed in Class B (A is the best to D) So i was pretty happy, because most people in Class A sutdied Chinese alot before comming here, though there are some exeptions as my friend Drew from USA who is amazing!! School is really great, Im making so many friends adn we finally got our uniforms!! haha after 3 months! Me, Susy and Arely and meeting the principal tomorrow for lunch so we can discuss our lives at the school! its going to be fun!! Lately, ive been studying, because im changing host family december 8th around and i just figured otu that my next host mom does not speak ONE word of english and my host dad is not around much cause he works shifts, like night and days, soooo its okay! ill learn Chinese alot faster so im kinda preparing for that! haha In culture class were still doing some cool stuff! I got interviewed by the news paper last time, cause im class leader, and I met this guys who lives in Taipei from Egypt! it was really cool! We learned how to make Chinese Masks for their theatre, and coloring on tissus.. i dont know how u call it haha! But its really fun! CHristmas is appraoching quickly and i really think im going to be fine when it comes, because im going to be surrounded but so many of my friends here!! (i hope hah)
Well thats a quick update on my life so far.. I cant beleive it was already been 3 months here.. where did they go?? I have NOOO CLUE!

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