lundi 24 décembre 2007


HELLO everyone!
So its been 4 months im in taiwan. Well more, almost 5 now.. and its already CHRISTMAS!!! AWWW Merry Christmas!!! I love all of you!
So its been such a intense week and very full of emotions from all the exchange studewnts. we had a christmas party on the 23rd and it was really fun we did a secrect santa and all the exchnage students bought me a gift !! I wasSOOO surprised.. they planned it without me knowing it to thank me for being the leader haha and doing stuff , but they bought be the 4gb iPod NANO!!!I WAS SOOO HAPPY i started to cry! haha then yesterday i went to church with some of my goodfriends and i t was really nice. Everyone was singing and i was crying hahah .But it was really interesting and cool! Today i s christmas in Tiwan..not for you guys yet, but its really werid cause it doesnt feel like christmas aat ALLLLL! I just want to write that im havinga really good time, i miss you guys very much, but have a merry christmas and i will see you soon!


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