dimanche 16 septembre 2007


Hello! Today i went to the movies with Ares classmates.. they are all sooo nice!! We went to see secret, a taiwanese movie in chinese with english subtitles... omg it is the best movie I have ever seen in my life. Its a love story but not those cheesy ones.. its not all about kissing and making out and then they get married at the end.. its a beautiful love story about love, and its so great, and the ending is a shocker.. but im am sooo not telling you guys what happens because I am being the DVD for sure and well watch it together once I get back to Canada.. so you will have to wait another like 10 months.. sorry! But the name of it is Secret, and this is the first movie that i BALLED my eyes out during and AFTER the movies.. yes thats right just thinking about what happens makes me cry, even right now! (plus the main acter is super cute) haha Like i really like watching movies here, because in Canada i find like the love stories are all similar, but here, it was amazing.. like so great!
i just figured out i can add pictures on this blog i think...wow! this is a pic from the movies, the girls i went with!

1 commentaire:

Eric Cockburn a dit…

I will only watch the movie with you if we have english subtitles.... and ya... thats why other people have pics... can't wait to see yours!!!
Love you Mexican friend Eric