vendredi 19 octobre 2007

2 months!

Hello everyone! Wel today is the official day that i have been here exactly 2 months!...ALREADY!!!! An other week as went and i really really lvoe it here! Im sorry for my english mistakes, my english totally sucks now! Well this week, hmm i dont remember... ahaha well i hungout alot withmy good friends and we played games, and went to eat at restaurants and it was really quite fun to j ust have a realyl relax week for once! HAhaa.. but I was so glad to see my classmates again since iahevnt seen them for about a week!!! And wednesday i started TaeKwonDo classes! SOOO FUN!! and then we played diabolo, its like Chinese yo=yo soooo cooooll!!! and im kinda good at it... kinda thatis hahah But today im going to Yingee street famous cermic street ive been there with my family, but im gong with a school friend today! SO im relaly excited then im going to susys for a canadian/amercian movie night! so that weill be fun! then next week I have to STUDY really hard because I have big test in Chinese class cause we get regrouped according to our test results!!! Im a little nervous!!!haha
WEll hope u had a great week!!

1 commentaire:

Johan Rasmussen a dit…

Brianne! What's up, seems your having fun.. and doing Takwondoo.. thing! very cool.. keep bloggin!